Its come to that time of year where the sun is shining more often and your wanting to get your home feeling fresh and ready for summer entertaining. So where shall you start?

Here is a step by step guide on how to de-clutter and revitalize your home:

  1. ERADICATE JUNK! Throw or sort through the piles of letters, junk mail, broken bits and dead batteries- All those little trinkets that get tossed in drawers, down the side of the bed or tucked on top of the microwave. Remove old invitations and school notices from the fridge and finally go through your odd sock pile.
  2. ORGANIZE THE PANTRY Buy some small square baskets and organize your sachets and packet foods into categories, throw out old mismatched tupper-ware and get rid of bulky appliances you no longer use. Take the time to deodorize your fridge with lemon juice and clean out the vege drawers- don’t forget the freezer!
  3. CLEAN OUT YOUR BINS With the warmer weather its a good time to line up all your bins and attack them with the hose- wheelie bins included. Add some disinfectant and dish-washing liquid to help kill bacteria and odors.
  4. SORT THE BATHROOM Go through the bathroom cupboards and ditch expired products and empty bottles. While your at it clean out the toothbrush holders and soap dishes and replace toothbrushes. Old toothbrushes can be re-used for cleaning just make sure you mark them with a vivid.
  5. CLEAR THE CLUTTER Go through your wardrobe and sell or donate to charity any clothes, shoes and accessories that you no longer use or wear. Use the rule- if you haven’t worn it in the last 18 months you likely wont wear it again.

When we do a Spring clean we focus on deeper cleaning to ensure your home- your biggest asset is maintained. This is important to keep the integrity of the paint-work in tact, ensure windowsills don’t rot from mildew build up, clean bacteria off common high use areas such as light switches and door handles and keep mould from growing on the bathroom ceilings. Here is a cleaning regime to follow for a deep spring-clean:

The kitchen cuboard fronts
The inside and outside of the microwave, fridge and oven
The Interior and exterior windows including sills, seals and glass
The bathroom including mirrors, walls, skirting’s and towel rack
The light switches, doors, frames and handles
The skirting boards and cobweb removal
Deep vacuum into the corners of the carpet
Wash the floors by hand so you can give them a good scrub
And if all of that sounds like too much work we offer Spring Cleaning packages from $185+gst

Just give us a call – we would be more than happy to help!